Many health issues are environment-related and the air quality in your ride could be extremely poor or even dangerous! Many car owners are unaware that most late model vehicles have a cabin air filter. It's purpose is the same as the filter in your home furnace. It's intended to trap dirt, debris, pollen, mould and other airborne microbes and pollutants. Depending on where the vehicle spends it's time, it can quickly become ineffective.
You can see in the side-by-side photo, a clean filter vs one that we just pulled from a 2014 Hyundai vehicle. In this case this vehicle spent a lot of time outdoors and rodents made themselves right at home inside the cowel. The filter is full of mouse droppings and a nest. This poses a high risk for airborne disease and illness to enter the cabin if not remedied.
Like a home furnace filter, cabin air filters need to be changed frequently, to improve air quality and HVAC performance.
At Auto Connection, our customer's health and safety is very important to us. Call our amazing Service Advisors today to see if your vehicle has a cabin air's probably time to change it or at least get it checked. 306-373-8800 opt.2